Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Change of Sharing method.

In my previous post i said that i used googledocs to share my powerpoint however whilst talking to a fellow media student i was reminded of Slideshare. I have now taken my powerpoint off of googledocs and have placed my powerpoint onto slideshare.

There is a part where i would like some comments back from the class if possible so i can gain some class feedback. I realise the powerpoint is pretty thin but this is due to it only being the first 2-3mins.

I still have some work to do to the ending part of my storyboard. To conquer this issue i will arrange to meet my actress and then upload the appriote powerpoint for te section.

I hope that the style of storyboard i have used (pictures+videos) will help me visualse my animatic more and help me adjust the timings as i have my actress in front of me and can work it out in my head.

Monday, 27 September 2010

Storyboard - Powerpoint

For my storyboard i chose to take pictures using my digital camera and also use a few drawn pictures when the camera was not available.

To create my storyboard i used powerpoint this is/was because my printer was starting to play up on me and would not print out the pictures. One thing i noticed about using powerpoint for my storyboard is that you can have as many slides as you like making this task an easy one to carry out.

once the powerpoint was made i uploaded it to googledocs which i am still getting used to.

Sunday, 26 September 2010


Process of storyboarding is tricker for this years unit as it's to last alot longer than the two mins from last time. I will try drawing the storyboard however if i start to have problems or feel that my storyboard is not making sense then i will use my digital camera and take photos of the shots that i would like to use and then place them in the order of which they will be shown.

Monday, 20 September 2010

So far

Now i have chosen my final idea which is to do with insomnia i am now in the process of storyboarding.

A few facts about the idea so far...

Actress: Sally or Leah, what i aim to do is to do a short practise film with both and see who i think will be best suited to the film.

Location: This will be a mix between my house and the surrounding village of Chalfont.St.Giles the choice of Chalfont.St.Giles is that the area is peacful and normally quite quiet, I also know a few area which i feel will be a good place to film. If there are any problems with those areas i am also very familiar with the seer green entrance to hodgemoor woods which is also a possibility for filming.

Few bits i'm unsure about...

Shall i do a dreamlike sequence?