Saturday 30 April 2011

Bullying: A documentary, research help.

i found this video on youtube which has helped me greatly in my research.



Location - School - Chikara - The chalonts community college, I chose to set it in the school due to my actors and actresses suffering the majority of their bullying in school.

My actor/s were Daniel, Nikki and anon
When I filmed the documentary I filmed three different people so I had lots of footage. I filmed three people two of which were happy to reveal themselves, they were Daniel Turrell and Nicola Evans

Filming was relatively easy due to to the subject matter, to film the footage I took out one of the school video camera’s and a a tripod. I used a tripod due to my own weakness of keeping the camera steady. Once at the location I moved some of the chairs around so there was nothing in front of the actor. To vary the footage I filmed two inside the room and the other outside.

Monday 25 April 2011

I found this also on slideshare. I Believe that this will help me in evaluating my piece of work.

Looking at the presentation below my film so far has definite points of poetic and performative conventions.

Saturday 23 April 2011

codes and conventions research

research on Slideshare led me to find this helpful powerpoint which helped me with thinking about certain codes and conventions i want to put/use in my product.

Friday 22 April 2011

Which one?

For my short film I have looked at short films on youtube to see what was out there on the internet on bullying. From my research I saw that there isn’t a lot of bullying extracts around. This spurred me into thinking a lot more about what I could achieve with the subject of bullying and concluded that there is two main ideas I could do with this.

Short-film with a fictional story
Documentary with a real-life sufferer/s

I gave the two ideas a lot of thought and decided on a documentary style piece as that way it can be used for a lot more that a fictional short film about it.
This short film/documentary can be used within schools to raise awarenss about bullying. Bullying is known to happen around schools and in life yet awareness is still relatively small.