Tuesday 5 October 2010

Animatic Information

To improve on last years animatic i have decided to do both my storyboard and animatic using photos and video.

Looking at some animatics online the usual practise is to photograph the drawn storyboard and then edit them to the desired effect in premiere pro. So all i am really doing is missing out the drawing part.

To help me i decided to look at last years animatic to get some ideas and the feel for animatics again. Looking back i think last years one was a good effort and worked well, however i have learnt from one of our early drafts that it was too short.

As my short film is to be minimum 5mins i will be aiming to create 7mins. Depending on the length of my film i will always try to aim for 2/3mins extra on the animatic.

Here is a link to my groups AS animatic.

STILL TO DO. for animatic
- Find appropriate sounds (some found, sound post/s to follow.)
- Additional playing around with footage/picture


  1. Hi,
    I use and prefer story boards. Animations do not give me the desired look because I like the traditional manual style. To add a pinch of technology I mostly design my work on PowerPoint to see what colors and animations will bring out the best results.
    Try it!
    Essay Papers

  2. Hi
    Thank you very much for your advice.
    I too like the look of the traditional manual style of story-boarding however i am not an artist, so tried the whole photographing and video style.
    I will try that powerpoint idea.
    If you have any other comments please feel free to post i find it helpful for my current A2 Media course.
    Thanks again
